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Tsutomu OKUBO, Yusuke WATANABE, Kazue OHURA, Kengo KUBOTA, Yu-You YLi and Hideki HARADA: Release Date: 2010/02/19 [PDF (1089K)]
Shuji Kawakami, Kengo Kubota, Hiroyuki Imachi, Takashi Yamaguchi, Hideki Harada and Akiyoshi Ohashi: Advance Publication Date: January 20, 2010
The overall competition was won again by Kengo Kubota, with Shuichi Saito winning the award for Most Improved Athlete. We also saw an expanded football competition this year, run by ...
Kengo Kubota, Narihiko Fukamiya, Masayoshi Okano, * Kiyoshi Tagahara, and Kuo-Hsiung Lee pages 3613-3617 Control of the Molecular Packing in Guanidinium Monolayers through ...
KEN Hattori*, TOSHIHIRO Kochizawa*,**, YUSUKE Watanabe*, MADAN Tandukar*,***, KENGO Kubota*, LI Yu-You* and HIDEKI Harada* *:Dept.of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku ...
Tsutomu OKUBO, Yusuke WATANABE, Kazue OHURA, Kengo KUBOTA, Yu-You YLi and Hideki HARADA: Release Date: 2010/02/19 [PDF (1089K)]
Shuji Kawakami, Kengo Kubota, Hiroyuki Imachi, Takashi Yamaguchi, Hideki Harada and Akiyoshi Ohashi: Advance Publication Date: January 20, 2010
Kengo Kubota, Narihiko Fukamiya, Masayoshi Okano, * Kiyoshi Tagahara, and Kuo-Hsiung Lee pages 3613-3617 Control of the Molecular Packing in Guanidinium ...