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English | Japanese. Kohei Hayashi's Web Site. Currently I am interested in machine learning and data mining, especially Bayesian probabilistic modeling of tensor-structured data.
Kohei Hayashi 8916-5 Takayama, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan +81-743-72-5982 [email protected] RESEARCH OVERVIEW Currently I am interested in machine ...
Kohei Hayashi Alumni Alumni '10 Takeyoshi Ueda(B) Kiyotaka Tanaka(B) Ayumi Omotani(B) Alumni '09
at Musashi University,Tokyo Butoh/Dance: Kazuo Ono, Akira Kasai, Shigeta Ide, Naoka Uemura Poet : Gozo Yoshimasu, Shoichi Nejime, Toshiko Hirata , Kohei Hayashi
author; sasaki fumiaki(hokkaido univ., sch. of med.) matsunaga tadashi onuma naomi ohira mutsuo hashizume kohei hayashi akira hayashi yutaka mugishima hideo
English | Japanese. Kohei Hayashi's Web Site. Currently I am interested in machine learning and data mining, especially Bayesian probabilistic modeling of tensor-structured ...
Kohei Hayashi 8916-5 Takayama, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan +81-743-72-5982 [email protected] RESEARCH OVERVIEW Currently I am ...
Kohei Hayashi Alumni Alumni '10 Takeyoshi Ueda(B) Kiyotaka Tanaka(B) Ayumi Omotani(B) Alumni '09
Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Information Technology and Services industry): Ph.D student, (April 2008-Present)