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Krishana Rao - MM0408 "I have been given an opportunity by god to attend this seminar. Glad to join MM community. This helps me to change my mindset and thought towards creating ...
1 dalam mahkamah persekutuan malaysia (bidangkuasa rayuan) rayuan jenayah no. 05-19-2007 (a) antara krishna rao a/l gurumurthi... perayu dan pendakwa raya ...
HOME; Teaching; Research; professional activities; Contact; Research Publications. 1. M.R.K. Krishna Rao, D. Kapur and R.K. Shyamasundar (1991), A Transformational ...
Wan Daud, Wan Ramli and Yusoff, Mohd. Fauzi and Krishna Rao, D. S (1990) Proses Penghasilan Bromelin daripada Batang Nenas. Pertanika, 13 (1). pp. 113-121.