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Lawrence Zhang Jun English Language & Literature AG National Institute of Education 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616 Tel: (65) 6-790-3474 Email: [email protected]
19. Asst/P: Angelia Poon Mui Cheng: Victorian literature and culture; Postcolonial literature and theory; Cultural studies; Issues related to race and gender
Uncovering Chinese ESL Students ’ Reading Anxiety in a Study-abroad Context. Lawrence Zhang. English Language and Applied Linguistics Division
A/P Lawrence Zhang Jun. Office: NIE3-03-98 Address: National Institute of Education 1 Nanyang Walk Singapore 637616
DHTB1: Lawrence Zhang Yaohua DHTB2: Meraj Ibne Salek DHTB3: Zoe Yuan Xiao Xiao Committee members: Anita, Jasmine Ong, Vicky Nguyen Thanh Yen Van, Jay Nguyen Duy Duc and Kissy Tan
Lawrence Zhang Jun English Language & Literature AG National Institute of Education 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616 Tel: (65) 6-790-3474 Email:
Uncovering Chinese ESL Students Reading Anxiety in a Study-abroad Context. Lawrence Zhang. English Language and Applied Linguistics Division
Metacognition, cognition and L2 reading : a study of Chinese university EFL readers' metacognitive knowledge and strategy deployment Lawrence Zhang