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M ahmoud, Pakistani, 33 years old. Despite having lived in Hong Kong for 10 years, mobile phone shop owner Mahmoud is never a registered voter. “I have never received any ...
f arouk i smail a hmed c airo u niversity p rof . d r . f aeka m ahmoud h elmy k hater e lectronics r esearch i nstitute faculty of engineering, cairo university giza, egypt a pril 2000
BULLETIN of the Bull. Malaysian Math. Sc. Soc. (Second Series) 24 (2001) 129-136 M ALAYSIAN M ATHEMATICAL S CIENCES S OCIETY Regularity and Normality via Ideals 1 R.A. M AHMOUD AND 2 A.A. N ASEF 1 ...
M AHMOUD ABSTRAK Penyelidikan ini mengkaji mekanisme kerintangan terhadap Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.vasinfectum yang diaruh oleh beberapa terbitan kitosan dalam tanaman kapas.
... Occupational Health Experimental Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Induced by Fusarium kyushuense in Mice Koichi H ARADA 1 , Shinichiro H ARA 2 , Motohiro T AKEYA 3 , Yehia A.-G. M AHMOUD 4 , Shoko ...
M ahmoud, Pakistani, 33 years old. Despite having lived in Hong Kong for 10 years, mobile phone shop owner Mahmoud is never a registered voter. I have never received any ...
f arouk i smail a hmed c airo u niversity p rof . d r . f aeka m ahmoud h elmy k hater e lectronics r esearch i nstitute faculty of engineering, cairo university giza, egypt a pril 2000
BULLETIN of the Bull. Malaysian Math. Sc. Soc. (Second Series) 24 (2001) 129-136 M ALAYSIAN M ATHEMATICAL S CIENCES S OCIETY Regularity and Normality via Ideals 1 R.A. M AHMOUD AND 2 A ...