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Title ( Title: Times, 14pt, Bold, Centered ) space> Masahiro Kamata 1, Tadashi Hasegawa 2 ( Author's Name: Times, 12pt, Centered) space> 1 Department of Science Education, Tokyo Gakugei ...
Risa Sonoda, Asuka Tsuda, Masahiro Kamata; Department of Science Education, Tokyo Gakugei University; 4. Lab activities. 2P4-1 Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Undergraduate Students
Long-Term Monitoring Using Deep Seafloor Boreholes Penetrating the Seismogenic Zone Masanao Shinohar a +*, Eiichiro Araki, , Masahiro Kamata-, Masataka Kinoshita, , Nori Kyo ...
Masahiro Kamata: Science Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan: S-9: Portraying Science in the Classroom: A Case Study about Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge ...
Katsuhiro Nakamura (B4) [email protected] Staff away from Esaka Lab. Masahiro Kamata (Assciate Professor in Univ. Gakugei) [email protected]
Prof. Masahiro Kamata (Japan) Advisory Committee. Prof. Hee Kwon CHAE (Korea) Prof. Jwu-Ting Chen (Taiwan) Prof. Kan-Nan Chen (Taiwan) Prof. Byung-Soon CHOI (Korea)
We (three initiators plus Professor Masahiro Kamata, Professor Chin-Cheng Chou, and Dr. Jing-Wen Lin) had a tentative idea in Seoul and then we followed it ...
Professor Masahiro Kamata will have a 2nd workshop in the ICCE on August 12, 2010. In addition to the workshop on 13:20-16:20 August 9, he organizes another workshop on ...