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Teuku Syaifuddin, SH, who paid bribe of Rp. 250 million to Mochammad Soleh, SH, and ... efforts, corruption prevention initiatives and public participation activities. Moch
Moch. Effendi @Toshiba : SIP/28105: 28105: Titin @PICO : SIP/28106: 28106: Soleh @PICO : SIP/28107: 28107: Hidaman @Lektop : SIP/28108: 28108: Imas Rosmiaty @PICO
Riza Sihbudi dan Moch. Nurhasim (eds) 193: The Social Psychology of Bargaining ... Soleh Isre (ed) 263 : 264: State of the Nation: South Africa 2003-2004: John Daniel et ...
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