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Nama Norashidah Mohamed Nor, Mdm Jawatan Lecturer Jabatan Ekonomi E-Mel [email protected] Telefon + 603 8946 7732
Tan Sri Dato' Seri Haidar Mohamed Nor Senior Independent Non-Executive Director. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Haidar Mohamed Nor, a Malaysian, aged 70, was appointed as an Independent Non ...
2007. Rahmad Shukor Ab. Samad, and Mariam Mohamed Nor, (2007) Do School Leaders Need Moral Leadership to Create Effective Schools? Masalah Pendidikan, 30 (2). pp. 137-148.
Judgment. Abdul Hamid CJ (Malaya) (delivering the Judgment of the Court) This is an appeal by the Public Prosecutor against sentence. The four respondents were convicted in the ...
1. Modeling and Analysis of Distribution Networks Connected to Waste-Heat ... Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Mohamed Nor (Head)
Nama Norashidah Mohamed Nor, Mdm Jawatan Lecturer Jabatan Ekonomi E-Mel [email protected] Telefon + 603 8946 7732
2007. Rahmad Shukor Ab. Samad, and Mariam Mohamed Nor, (2007) Do School Leaders Need Moral Leadership to Create Effective Schools? Masalah Pendidikan, 30 (2). pp. 137-148.
Mohamed Nor, Mariam and Abd Samad, Rahmad Sukor (2006) Teaching of reading and writing for ESL. University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 983-100-400-0