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Dr. Noshad Khan Medical Officer Dr. Ijaz Ahmed Medical Officer . Dr. Nusrat Shaheen Medical Officer . BACK TO MAIN PAGE
Asim Noshad Khan pleaded to President, Prime Minister and the Foreign Office to make efforts to take steps for return of his children from Kuwait.
Prof. Noshad Khan: M.A.(English) Prof. Talat Mehmood: M.C.S (Computer Science) Prof. Kaleem Ishaque: M.A. (English) Prof. Zahid Rasheed: M.Sc (Geography), M.Phil (US Studies)
Dr Noshad Khan: Senior Registrar Medicine(BS-18) MMTH, DI Khan: Order Copy: Dr Rehman-ud-Din: Asstt. Professor: Gomal Medical College : Order Copy: Dr. Samina Zahid
online USF ngo jobs in peshawar year 2011 . Education Jobs - Teaching Jobs - Peshawar - January 20 my name is Asma Noshad khan.i did B.Sc ...
Dr. Noshad Khan Medical Officer Dr. Ijaz Ahmed Medical Officer . Dr. Nusrat Shaheen Medical Officer . BACK TO MAIN PAGE
Asim Noshad Khan pleaded to President, Prime Minister and the Foreign Office to make efforts to take steps for return of his children from Kuwait.
Prof. Noshad Khan: M.A.(English) Prof. Talat Mehmood: M.C.S (Computer Science) Prof. Kaleem Ishaque: M.A. (English) Prof. Zahid Rasheed: M.Sc (Geography), M.Phil (US ...