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Farshid PirahanSiah . Education Master of Science Student (IT – Computer Science)
Peyman Bayat. PhD (KKK) Distributed system. Co-supervisor. May 2007 - now. On-going. 5. Maassoumeh Javadi Baygi. PhD (KKK) QoS routing based on ACA
Iman Avazpour, Ros Ernida Roslan, Peyman Bayat, M.Iqbal Saripan, Abdul Jalil Nordin, Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja Abdullah: Segmentation CT Images of Bronchogenic Carcinoma With ...
Iman Avazpour, Ros Ernida Roslan, Peyman Bayat, Abdul Jalil Nordin, Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja Abdullah, M-Iqbal Saripan, Segmenting bronchogenic carcinoma with bones metastasis in CT ...
Iman Avazpour, Ros Ernida Roslan, Peyman Bayat, M.Iqbal Saripan, Abdul Jalil Nordin, Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja Abdullah: Segmentation CT Images of Bronchogenic Carcinoma With ...
Peyman Bayat. PhD (KKK) Distributed system. Co-supervisor. May 2007 - now. On-going. 5. Maassoumeh Javadi Baygi. PhD (KKK) QoS routing based on ACA
Iman Avazpour, Ros Ernida Roslan, Peyman Bayat, M.Iqbal Saripan, Abdul Jalil Nordin, Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja Abdullah: Segmentation CT Images of Bronchogenic ...
Iman Avazpour, Ros Ernida Roslan, Peyman Bayat, Abdul Jalil Nordin, Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja Abdullah, M-Iqbal Saripan, Segmenting bronchogenic carcinoma with bones ...