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PHIL HUNG Philharmonia Hungarica RPO Royal Philharmonic Orchestra SPO Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
Ph.D.(Maryland), M.S.(Maryland), M.Phil.(HK), B.Eng.(HK) Edward Hung is an assistant professor at the Department of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
LO Kit-hung B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D (CUHK) Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy Lingnan University. Tel: 2616 7482 Fax: Email: [email protected]
HUNG Po Wah, Eva: Curriculum: M.Phil. Thesis Title: Perceptions and Identity: A Study of the Chinese Working Class in the Reform Era. Further Studies: Ph.D. Candidate, Australian ...
Orange Hotel Group (Architecture & Planning industry): Chief Designer, (December 2009-September 2010)&nb...