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Book Section. Kanniah, Kasturi Devi and Teh, Poey Lee (2003) Generation of Tasseled Cap Transformation Coefficients for the Use of TiungSAT-1 Multi Spectral Earth Imaging System (MSEIS ...
Ms Poey LEE 64353525 IT Consultant: Ms TAN Ping Ping 64353529
Ms Poey LEE: 64353525 [email protected]: IT Consultant: Ms TAN Ping Ping : 64353529 [email protected]
Kanniah, Kasturi Devi and Teh, Poey Lee (2003) Generation of Tasseled Cap Transformation Coefficients for the Use of TiungSAT-1 Multi Spectral Earth Imaging System (MSEIS) Data.
A B C D E F G H I J K; 1: Bil: Nama Pengarang: Tahun: Penerbit: Tajuk Penerbitan: Nama Persidangan: Tempat Persidangan: Jenis: Fakulti: Nombor Rujukan: Nombor Fail
Book Section. Kanniah, Kasturi Devi and Teh, Poey Lee (2003) Generation of Tasseled Cap Transformation Coefficients for the Use of TiungSAT-1 Multi Spectral Earth Imaging ...
Ms Poey LEE 64353525 IT Consultant: Ms TAN Ping Ping 64353529
Ms Poey LEE: 64353525 IT Consultant: Ms TAN Ping Ping : 64353529 tan_ping_ping@hpb ...