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Can someone share info about this firm and who are its clients.?Will this firm will be recruiting this time and 11 MFC with 1 Referal? If someone has info about the ranking of this ...
Does any have information that Khalid Ansari (Partner) of KMRSRIR, have left the firm, Please tell me, Main nawafil Ada karoon ga,
For the best Jobs in Pakistan apply on ROZEE.PK. ROZEE.PK is Pakistans leading job website with over 28000 employers have placed ads on ROZEE that have been viewed by over 1.5M job ...
The present auditors M/s Khalid Majid Rahman Sarfaraz Rahim Iqbal Rafiq (New name Khalid Majid Rehman), retire and being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment.
M/s Rahman Sarfaraz Rahim Iqbal Rafiq & Co. Chartered Accountants 54 – P, Gulberg II, P.O. Box No. 3054 Lahore-54660, Pakistan.
Can someone share info about this firm and who are its clients.?Will this firm will be recruiting this time and 11 MFC with 1 Referal? If someone has info about the ...
Does any have information that Khalid Ansari (Partner) of KMRSRIR, have left the firm, Please tell me, Main nawafil Ada karoon ga,
For the best Jobs in Pakistan apply on ROZEE.PK. ROZEE.PK is Pakistans leading job website with over 28000 employers have placed ads on ROZEE that have been viewed by ...