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M36 Ram Bala; F4 Angela Leow Gray; M2 Allan Ng; F25 Sharon Rajendra Kandiah; M24 Mark Tay; F7 Jaclyn Chan; A host of other awards were also given out :
Dr. Steven Lee CEO, A-Bio Pharma Pte Ltd, Singapore Dr. Steven Lee is Chief Executive Officer of A-Bio Pharma Pte Ltd, Singapore, one of Asia's leading biologics contract ...
Photos by Benjamin Seetor Text & layout by Geraldine Teo. Not all of the 25 gorgeous men nominated for Female's 50 Gorgeous People were at the Final, but there was more than enough ...
Ram Bala (M36) Angela Leow Gray (F4) Allan Ng (M2) Sharon Rajendra Kandiah (F25) Mark Tay (M24) Jaclyn Chan (F7) A host of other subsidiary awards were also given out :
M36 - Ram Bala: F37 - Sally Budipranoto: M38 - Jason Chia: F39 - Evelyn Ng: M40 - Harold Huang : M41 - Rick Yang: F42 - Mariam Stahlie: F43 - Emileen Lim: M44 - Han Foo
Mr.ram Bala Ramaswamy, Mr.ram Chillarege Mr.ramdaras.a Mr. Ramdoel Rajiskoemar Mr. R. America Mr. Ramesh Amin Mr. Rameshbhai Savaliya Mr. Ramesh Chandra.