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Dr. Adel Bautista : Dr. Rosalina Mendoza: Ms. Victoria Minano: Dr. Enrique Platon: Dr. Leonardo Ricero
The MMDC also listed those who lost their houses as Rosalina Mendoza, 50; Bobby Basa, 30; Eufemia Crusame; Joselyn Logo Anselma Mendezabal; Roger Curdial, 54; Rose Marie Ferrer, 36 ...
4799 VILLANUEVA, ROSALINA MENDOZA 4800 VILLARBA, JUSIEBELL VAFLOR Roll of Successful Examinees in the L.E.T. - ELEMENTARY - All Regions
A B C D E F G; 1: Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) Centers: 2: Region: Province: City: Name of TB DOTS Center: Address: Contact Details: Name of TB DOTS Staff
Board exam results, career news, opportunity articles, job posts and more... Delivers an on-time, accurate, and comprehensive exam results news from the PRC Board Exam Results ...
Dr. Adel Bautista : Dr. Rosalina Mendoza: Ms. Victoria Minano: Dr. Enrique Platon: Dr. Leonardo Ricero
The MMDC also listed those who lost their houses as Rosalina Mendoza, 50; Bobby Basa, 30; Eufemia Crusame; Joselyn Logo Anselma Mendezabal; Roger Curdial, 54; Rose Marie ...
Board exam results, career news, opportunity articles, job posts and more... Delivers an on-time, accurate, and comprehensive exam results news from the PRC Board Exam ...