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BANJARMASIN Mitra ( Diskon 5% Keatas ) : Salon Lucia Jl. A. Yani Km 2,5 No. 99 A Tlp 0511 3254323. Salon Rudy Hermanto Jl. A. Yani Km 3,5 No. 285 Tlp 0511 3252915
Unfortunately, the current is unstable and tends to make the phone hang,” said Muhammad Rudy Hermanto, the ITS student who invented the charger.
Unfortunately, the current is unstable and tends to make the phone hang,” said Muhammad Rudy Hermanto, the ITS student who invented the charger.
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Rudy seorand jejaka kacak dan tampan, memiliki segalanya, termasuk seorang isteri ... Dewi Perssik,Deriell Jacqueline, Rene The, Baron Hermanto
Hermanto Juaputra . Research and implementation of a client/ server data mining ... Rudy . Study and implementation of peer-to-peer file sharing technology with data ...