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DailyTimes delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, entertainment, business, cricket, politics, and more. For comprehensive coverage, DailyTImes ...
Miss Saima Abid Lecturer Inter College: Miss Sajida Begum Lecturer: Visiting Staff: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yaqub Lecturer: Prof. Asim Hameed Butt Lecturer : Miss Saima Dar
He is Dupty Direct (Information Technologies). so if there is any good job in this field Kindly inform me.i will be very thankful to all. waiting reply Saima Abid
He is Dupty Direct (Information Technologies). so if there is any good job in this field Kindly inform me.i will be very thankful to all. waiting reply Saima Abid
Syeda Saima Abid: Syed Abid Hussain: F: 7.882 : 28.1091: 32.75: 68.7414: DMC/SMC/PMC/FJMC/LUMHS/CMC : 1243: 938: Sarah Raza: Syed Hashim Reza: F: 8.612 : 25.8909: 26.25: 60.7527
DailyTimes delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, entertainment, business, cricket, politics, and more. For comprehensive coverage ...
Miss Saima Abid Lecturer Inter College: Miss Sajida Begum Lecturer: Visiting Staff: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yaqub Lecturer: Prof. Asim Hameed Butt Lecturer : Miss Saima Dar
Syeda Saima Abid: Syed Abid Hussain: F: 7.882 : 28.1091: 32.75: 68.7414: DMC/SMC/PMC/FJMC/LUMHS/CMC : 1243: 938: Sarah Raza: Syed Hashim Reza: F: 8.612 : 25.8909: 26.25: 60.7527