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A member of PKF International Ltd : SAJJAD AKHTAR Managing Partner / Head of Financial Advisory Services E-mail: [email protected] Direct: (+65) 6500 9388
Pakistan's Trade Performance vis-à-vis its Major Trading Partners: Pakistan Development Review, 39(1) Spring, 37-50: Published -- at dated
A member of PKF International Ltd : OUR TEAM Sajjad Akhtar Managing Partner. Sajjad is our managing partner and our Head of Financial Advisory Services.
BUDGET 2000-01: REVIVAL STRATEGY REVISITED. BY. DR.SAJJAD AKHTAR. The budget 2000-01 signals a second attempt by the economic managers at engineering an upturn in the economy.
By Aasim Sajjad Akhtar As the dust settles after the rampage in Mumbai, a plethora of questions have emerged relating to the Indian state's willingness and ability to ...
Pakistan's Trade Performance vis-à-vis its Major Trading Partners: Pakistan Development Review, 39(1) Spring, 37-50: Published -- at dated
BUDGET 2000-01: REVIVAL STRATEGY REVISITED. BY. DR.SAJJAD AKHTAR. The budget 2000-01 signals a second attempt by the economic managers at engineering an upturn in the economy.
Provincial Governments and the Budget Deficits: Published The News Business and Finance Review at dated 9/6/1999 : Author(s) Sajjad Akhtar