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Please do not hesitate to visit my blog at Kind regards, Ari Satriyo Wibowo. E-mail : [email protected]
Satriyo Wibowo 37. Mr. Nurhan 38. Ms. Trisiana Adnin 39. Ms. Dini NGO & PRIVATE SECTOR 40. Mr. Sonson Garsoni , Pro Bengkel; The Head of MSW Forum (Gerakan Darurat Penanggulangan Sampah ...
000001|||Assessment tools: for practitioners, managers and trainers; Armand Lauffer. 000002|||NEEDS assessment: a model for community planning; Keith A. Neuber
Please do not hesitate to visit my blog at Kind regards, Ari Satriyo Wibowo. E-mail : [email protected]
Satriyo Wibowo 37. Mr. Nurhan 38. Ms. Trisiana Adnin 39. Ms. Dini NGO & PRIVATE SECTOR 40. ... Mr Bambang; Ms. Ninik L, Ms. Hera, ITB, (Bandung Institute of ...
000001|||Assessment tools: for practitioners, managers and trainers; Armand Lauffer. 000002|||NEEDS assessment: a model for community planning; Keith A. Neuber