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Pak Setia Dharma was born in Menado in 1948 and lived there until his family moved to Jakarta in 1952. As a youth, he loved sports, particularly basketball, but the young man ...
His higher education in senior high school was obtained in two different schools, Pharmacist School and Setia Dharma Senior High School in ...
Mekar Abadi Medical Gas Pipeline System Solution ... Kantor: Perkantoran Niaga Kalimas Blok C02 Jl. Kalimas Raya Inspeksi Kalimalang, Setia Dharma,
Your whetted appetite may take you to Setia Dharma next time you are wandering around Gianyar. Photos by — Edith Johnson. BEYOND FACES. Until Dec. 13
Selamat datang di Studentsite saya, semua informasi yang ada pada situs ini bersifat bebas dan dapat diakses oleh umum
Chair: Mr. Setia Dharma Madjid Indonesia. Information and Public Relation Committee Chair: Ms. Risuan Aramcharoen Thailand. ASEAN-wide Readership Committee
Mr. Setia Dharma Madjid, President <[email protected]> Ms. Wanti Syaifullah, General Secretary <[email protected]> Ms. Kartini Nurdin, Chairman Inter ...