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name: shin koyama: born: Tokyo Oct. 21, 1975: favorite: travel, photo, swimming, scuba diving, golf, baseball, dogs, birds, fire-king, coffee, cooking, subway, ramen, salad, tako-yaki, new ...
Deadline for Submitting the paper : January 31st, 2001. Send your contributions to Shin Koyama of BRI, at [email protected] for e-mail, or post mail with the following address.
postoperative disorders of the gastrointestinal tract -on the postgastrectomy bone disease and the new pathophysiologic findings of short gut syndrome-shin koyama
Building Research Institute: 1, Tachihara, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 305-0802 Tel: 029-864-6654: Contact Parson : Dr. Shin Koyama
Izuru Okawa, Toshihide Kashima and Shin Koyama ... This paper describes an on-going earthquake observation project in Sendai ...
name: shin koyama: born: Tokyo Oct. 21, 1975: favorite: travel, photo, swimming, scuba diving, golf, baseball, dogs, birds, fire-king, coffee, cooking, subway, ramen, salad, tako ...
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