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Airborne Radiometric Survey in the Southern Part of Kitakami Area, Iwate Prefecture (822KB) Shoji IWASAKI, Seishi KOJIMA, Hiroshi KANAYA and Jiro KOMAI (1-8)
Airborne Radiometric Survey in the Western Part of Kitakami Area, Iwate Prefecture (204KB) Fig (1,392KB) Shoji IWASAKI, Hiroshi KANAYA and Jiro KOMAI (435-437)
Mei Duan, Yutaka Miysamoto, Shoji Iwasaki, Hideaki Deto(1998.3): Hybrid/mixed Finite Element Analysis of Circular Plate Bending Based on Reissner-Mindlin Theory、
Diabetic modifier QTLsinF 2 intercrosses carrying homozygous transgeneofTGF- b Takao SuzukiÆ Maki Moritani ÆMasayasuYoshinoÆMitsuhiroKagamiÆ Shoji Iwasaki ...
... SOCS2) gene with type 2 diabetes in the Japanese Hitoshi Kato a,b,1, Kyoko Nomura b,c, Dai Osabe b,c, Shuichi Shinohara b,c,d, Osamu Mizumori b,e, Rumi Katashima b,f, Shoji Iwasaki a ...
Airborne Radiometric Survey in the Western Part of Kitakami Area, Iwate Prefecture (204KB) Fig (1,392KB) Shoji IWASAKI, Hiroshi KANAYA and Jiro KOMAI (435-437)
Airborne Radiometric Survey in the Southern Part of Kitakami Area, Iwate Prefecture (822KB) Shoji IWASAKI, Seishi KOJIMA, Hiroshi KANAYA and Jiro KOMAI (1-8)
Airborne Radiometric Survey in South Hokkaido Area (3,416KB) Shoji IWASAKI, Nakamaru OBI and Hiroshi KANAYA (917-930) Airborne Radiometric Survey in the Northern Part of ...