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Dr. Songlin Chen is currently an assistant professor at the System and Engineering Management Division of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Songlin CHEN (Publicity) Zhang WU (Publication) Kah Hin CHAI (Local Arrangement) Members: Siong Lin HO Zhaotong LIAN Mei Qi Hongyi SUN
PhD Alumni Year of Graduation; Qinli Zhang: 2008: Songlin Chen: 2008: Zeng Qinlong: 2007: Mei Zhang: 2005: Sri Hartati Kurniawan: 2004: Avaneesh Gupta: 2004: Yongjiang Chen
1 Mass Customization as a Collaborative Engineering Effort Songlin Chen, Yue Wang, Mitchell M. Tseng Advanced Manufacturing Institute The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology ...
A Negotiation-Credit-Auction Mechanism for Procuring Customized Products Songlin Chen (corresponding author) Division of Systems and Engineering Management School of Mechanical ...
Dr. Songlin Chen is currently an assistant professor at the System and Engineering Management Division of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
... Songlin Chen Title: Finite element analysis for singularly perturbed advectiondiffusion ...
PhD Alumni Year of Graduation; Qinli Zhang: 2008: Songlin Chen: 2008: Zeng Qinlong: 2007: Mei Zhang: 2005: Sri Hartati Kurniawan: 2004: Avaneesh Gupta: 2004: Yongjiang Chen