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Dr. SUN Zhuo [email protected]. Spatial analysis and simulation, Simulation based Optimization
Recognising the superior properties of the FED, Assoc Prof Tay Beng Kang, Asst Prof Lau Shu Ping, and Dr Sun Zhuo from EEE worked on a technique ...
User Friendly Open Architecture Software for Transport Logistics Planning MicroCity: A Spatial Analysis and Simulation Framework by. Dr. SUN Zhuo
Dr. Ni Wei. 1. MicroPort - A General Simulation Framework for Port Operation, 21-Jan-2010, Dr Sun Zhuo
A GIS-BASED PATH SEARCHING SYSTEM FOR TRANSIT NETWORKS SUN Zhuo Master Course Student Dong-A University Hadan-Dong, Saha-Gu, Busan, 604-714 South Korea Fax: +82-51-205-5187 E-mail: sunzhuo ...
Thin film technology; Vacuum plasma processing; Flat pannel display; Solid state lighting; Thin film solar cells; Energy storage/CDI
Address: Rm. 431, Main Building, No.1 Lane 2 Baiguang Rd. Xuanwu Dist. Tel: 86-10-63414390; 63414391; 63414394 Contact: Wang Yu, Lei Dingyan, Sun Zhuo
Dr. SUN Zhuo Spatial analysis and simulation, Simulation based Optimization