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Publications list (in antichronological order) Abstracts (of publications by topics) Selected talks (with slides) Curriculum Vitae. Research Interests
Publications in antichronological order. Mikito Koshino, Takeshi Nakanishi and Tsuneya Ando, ``Interface Landau levels in graphene monolayer-bilayer junction",
Office No. 12, Laboratory No. 13 4th Floor in Office Building D Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Takeshi Nakanishi, CSK CORPORATION President: Since the establishment of CSK Corporation in 1968, we have been driven by our company mission statement, "Provision of ...
Takeshi NAKANISHI:E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting Best Poster Award
Publications list (in antichronological order) Abstracts (of publications by topics) Selected talks (with slides) Curriculum Vitae. Research Interests
Publications in antichronological order. Mikito Koshino, Takeshi Nakanishi and Tsuneya Ando, ``Interface Landau levels in graphene monolayer-bilayer junction",
Office No. 12, Laboratory No. 13 4th Floor in Office Building D Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Astellas Pharma (Public Company; Pharmaceuticals industry): assistant manager, (April 1997-July 2008)