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Rao XS, Chen LF, Tan CY, Lu J, Ong CK, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 39 (1): 64-65 JAN 9 2003. 2. Smith chart approach to the design of multilayer resistive sheet,
[email protected]: Human Resource Department ORCHID COUNTRY CLUB 1 Orchid Club Road Singapore 769162 We ...
H/dr Ata Ur Rehman Homoeopathic Physician from Islamabad . - Health - Beauty - Fitness - Islamabad
Thickness-dependent properties of FeTaN thin films deposited on flexible substrate Liu, ZW; Liu, Y; Yan, L; Tan, CY; Ong, CK JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 99 (4): Art. No. 043903 FEB ...
Rao XS, Chen LF, Tan CY, Lu J, Ong CK, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 39 (1): 64-65 JAN 9 2003. 2. Smith chart approach to the design of multilayer resistive sheet, Human Resource Department ORCHID COUNTRY CLUB 1 Orchid Club Road Singapore 769162 ...
Thickness-dependent properties of FeTaN thin films deposited on flexible substrate Liu, ZW; Liu, Y; Yan, L; Tan, CY; Ong, CK JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 99 (4): Art. No ...