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Specialities: Pattern Recognition, Image Understanding Our research focuses on pattern recognition and image understanding. Motion estimate and targets tracking: There are two ...
a: 16"x24" Bass Drum (SMB2416) b: 5.5"x14" Stainless Steel Snare Drum (PSS455A) c: 8"x10" Tom Tom (SMT1008) d: 8"x12" Tom Tom (SMT1208) e: 16"x16" Floor Tom (SMF1616G)
a: 16"x24" Bass Drum (SMB2416) b: 5.5"x14" Stainless Steel Snare Drum (PSS455A) c: 8"x10" Tom Tom (SMT1008) d: 8"x12" Tom Tom (SMT1208) e: 16"x16" Floor Tom (SMF1616G)
Paper Yuki Matsuzawa, Toru Abe, and Itsuo Kumazawa, ``Active contour model using shape information obtained from initial contour,'' Trans. IEICE (D-II), (in printing) (in ...
Toru ABE. 2-1-1 Kata A-25 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, Japan-Japanese page. Research Areas. Pattern Recognition; Image Processing
a: 16"x24" Bass Drum (SMB2416) b: 5.5"x14" Stainless Steel Snare Drum (PSS455A) c: 8"x10" Tom Tom (SMT1008) d: 8"x12" Tom Tom (SMT1208) e: 16"x16" Floor Tom (SMF1616G)
Specialities: Pattern Recognition, Image Understanding Our research focuses on pattern recognition and image understanding. Motion estimate and targets tracking: There are ...
a: 16"x24" Bass Drum (SMB2416) b: 5.5"x14" Stainless Steel Snare Drum (PSS455A) c: 8"x10" Tom Tom (SMT1008) d: 8"x12" Tom Tom (SMT1208) e: 16"x16" Floor Tom (SMF1616G)
IPICS Corporation (Law Practice industry): Patent Engineer/Translator, (July 2004-July 2009)
Koyo International Patent Firm (Law Practice indus...