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Tsungnan LIN C. Lee GILES Publication IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences Vol. E90-A No. 12 pp. 2916-2929
Dear Members, Interspeech 2008 will soon appear in our archive. This is life and we all thank the Australian team for the organization of this conference in a wonderful region ...
Dear Members, Few days after I completed the October issue, I was informed that our colleague Ganesh Rawaswamy from IBM passed away on October 9th.
Speech Processing SP-L1: Voice Morphing SP-L2: Spoken Language Understanding and Dialog SP-L3: Speech Perception and Psychacoustics SP-L4: Confidence Measures and Rejection Algorithms
Dear Members, The board and myself present our best wishes to all members and expect to serve the best they can, the interests of the speech community.
Name: Position: Tel: Office Work: Agent: Tsungnan Lin: Head: 33665002: Room 217 .Information network group supervision: Guang-Wei Li : Sr. Programmer
Tsungnan-Lin /Director: 33665002 : Supervising the affairs of the Division of Network Management : Guang-Wei Li /Systems Designer: 33665008 : Management of the dormitory networks
Journals . Chun-Yuan Chang, Cheng-Fu Chou, Din-Yuen Chan, Tsungnan Lin, and Ming-Hung Chen, ``A q-Domain Characteristic-Based Bitrate Model for Video Transmission ...