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Dr. Vanny Narita (BPPT) Session A.2: Nanochemistry. Dr. Hery Haeruddin (LIPI) Dr. Sudaryanto (BATAN) Moderator: Dr. Mustanir (UNSYIAH) Session B.1: Nanomaterial
Vanny Narita, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology Center for Pharmaceutical & Medical Technology, Indonesia ([email protected])
Dr. Vanny Narita (BPPT) Session A.2: Nanochemistry. Dr. Hery Haeruddin (LIPI) Dr. Sudaryanto (BATAN) Moderator: Dr. Mustanir (UNSYIAH) Session B.1: Nanomaterial
Vanny Narita, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology Center for ... Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki, University of Malaya ([email protected]; [email protected])