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2007. 1.A novel three-dimensional zero-reference system ZHOU Cheng-gang; YE Xi-biao; ZHANG Yang; HUANG Wenhao Journal of University of Science and Technology of China ...
Members: CHENG Jianzhong, DING Haiyan, GONG Bin, HU Boping, HUANG Kang, LI Hongwei, LU Guangzhong, MENG Zhiquan, WANG Xinlin, WEI Na, XU Luping, XUAN Zheng, YANG Wenhao ...
Wenhao Song and Xunnian Yang (2005), Freeform deformation with weighted T-spline, The Visual Computer, 21(3):139-151. Weighted T-spline volumes are a natural generalization ...
Agilent Technologies (Public Company; A; Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry): Product Engineer, (May 2006-A...