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Visits: 85 times Last changed: Jan 21, 2010 25 items in this album
HR Tips 5 Ways to Throw Away your Career by Winnie Choy, 1st Oct 2007. You are first to arrive at work and last to leave. You complete your tasks punctually.
Winnie Choy (Fridge Magnets) Yvonne Cheung (Magnetic Sheets and Strips)
We are one of the largest communities in Asia Pacific with over 9 million job seeker members and more than 150,000 corporate clients, offering at least 100,000 job opportunities ...
Tel: 2867 8327 | Fax: 2861 0278 | Email: [email protected]. The Master of Science in Finance offered in Hong Kong ...
HR Tips 5 Ways to Throw Away your Career by Winnie Choy, 1st Oct 2007. You are first to arrive at work and last to leave. You complete your tasks punctually.
Winnie Choy (Fridge Magnets) Yvonne Cheung (Magnetic Sheets and Strips)
Winnie Choy is an associate in the Hong Kong office of Baker & McKenzie. Ms Choy's practice focuses on Hong Kong tax compliance and advisory work.