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Development of a Direct Chemiluminescence Method for the Determination of Nucleic ... Heyou HAN, Xiaoyan LI, Zhike HE * , Lianseng LIN and Yun'e ZENG
April 2005: Volume 1 (1) Contents. Editorial. Regular Papers. Choices in asynchronous communication for postgraduate teaching students Patricia Henry & Xiaoyan Li
The theory and ways to build digital small watershed, Xiaoyan Li (Shuwen Zhang), Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural ...
Xiaoyan Li, Lidan Shou, Gang Chen, Xiaolong Zhang, Tianlei Hu, and Jinxiang Dong
A New Spectrofluorometric Method for the Determination of Ascorbic Acid Based on Its ... Ruiyong WANG, Zhihong LIU, Ruxiu CAI, and Xiaoyan LI
Development of a Direct Chemiluminescence Method for the Determination of ... Heyou HAN, Xiaoyan LI, Zhike HE * , Lianseng LIN and Yun'e ZENG
Lieqin Liu, M.S., Research Assistant Xiaoyan Li, M.S., Research Assistant . Lab manager: Bingyan Wang, M.S., E-mail: [email protected]
Yao Jianzhong;Liu Jianfei;Zhou Youjun;Zhu Ju;Lu Jiaguo;Wang Xiaoyan;Li Ke. Univ of No.2 Military Medicine, College of Pharmacy.Shanghai. Abstract