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Editorial Author: Hitoshi Aoki, Co-Authors: Masanori Shimasue, Yasuo Kawahara "CMOS Modeling Technology", Maruzen Co., Ltd, ISBN4-621-07664-7, Jan. 2006.
Period Lengths of Cellular Automata cam-90 with Memory Yasuo KAWAHARA* and Hyen Yea1 LEE+ October 25, 1995 Abstract Cellular automata ca -90 have states 0 and I, and their dynamics, driven ...
Yasuo Kawahara, Groups in Allegories Tomasz Kowalski, A remark on canonicity Bakhadyr M. Khoussainov, Games on Finite Graphs and Temporal Logic Hiroakira Ono, Standard ...
matrix calculus in i-categories and an axiomatic characterization of relations in a regular category: 249-273: yasuo kawahara: release date: 3-sep-2008
Yasuo Kawahara: Kyushu U. Yoshiki Kinoshita: AIST: Kleene Categories for Tree Languages: Yuichi Komori: Chiba U. Hiroyuki Miyoshi: Kyoto Sangyo U. Misao Nagayama
Editorial Author: Hitoshi Aoki, Co-Authors: Masanori Shimasue, Yasuo Kawahara "CMOS Modeling Technology", Maruzen Co., Ltd, ISBN4-621-07664-7, Jan. 2006.
Period Lengths of Cellular Automata cam-90 with Memory Yasuo KAWAHARA* and Hyen Yea1 LEE+ October 25, 1995 Abstract Cellular automata ca -90 have states 0 and I, and their ...
Yasuo Kawahara, Groups in Allegories Tomasz Kowalski, A remark on canonicity Bakhadyr M. Khoussainov, Games on Finite Graphs and Temporal Logic Hiroakira Ono, ...