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A traditional wagashi (Japanese sweets) shop, TORAYA. "yuichi.sakuraba" some rights reserved. flickr
"yuichi.sakuraba" some rights reserved. flickr . The left one is the original, the middle one is twice much as hot and the right ...
fadingimage . Yuichi Sakuraba . fadingimage
043780: Yuichi SAKURABA <[email protected]> Re: 不定形領域の塗りつぶし 043772: "yasutake" <[email protected]>
via Eurekalert Twinkie Image from ltgc | CC by 2.0 Spacefood Image from N ino | CC by nc-sa 2.0 Airline food image from Yuichi Sakuraba | CC by nc 2.0
fadingimage . Yuichi Sakuraba . fadingimage
043828: Yuichi SAKURABA <[email protected]> 043849: Masaaki Toyoyoshi <[email protected]> 043852: Masaaki Toyoyoshi <[email protected]
via Eurekalert Twinkie Image from ltgc | CC by 2.0 Spacefood Image from N ino | CC by nc-sa 2.0 Airline food image from Yuichi Sakuraba | CC by nc 2.0
Yokogawa (Computer Software industry): Software Engineer, (1994-2008)
Yokogawa Electric (Computer Software industry): Software Eng...