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The U.S. gold medal streak that dated to softball's Olympic debut in Atlanta in 1996 was broken Thursday by a resilient Japanese team led by pitcher Yukiko Ueno.
JSPS Postdoc Researcher : Analysis of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Yukiko UENO : Office Administrator
Yukiko Ueno(Renesas Takasaki) pitching: Category: Sports: Length: 00:00:01.500: Tags: yukiko ueno softball 上野由岐子
Yukiko Ueno (Photo bcredit: Jonathan Ferrey/Getty Images) Japan defeated United States 3-1 to win the Women’s Softball gold at the Beijing Olympics.
Yukiko Ueno (softball player) * She took an active part in the Athens 2004 Olympics as the ace of Japan's female softball team. • Market and Technical Research
The U.S. gold medal streak that dated to softball's Olympic debut in Atlanta in 1996 was broken Thursday by a resilient Japanese team led by pitcher Yukiko Ueno.
JSPS Postdoc Researcher : Analysis of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Yukiko UENO : Office Administrator
Yukiko Ueno pitched five hitless innings to lead Japan to gold in the Asian Games softball tournament with a 7-0 over Taiwan on Thursday.