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Mr. Zulkifli Yaacob Associate Professor [email protected] Mrs. Norfitri Shamaruddin Senior Executive [email protected] Ms. Marini Zulkifli
rahmat mohsin zulkifli abd majid prof. dr. zulkifli yaacob assoc. prof. zulkafli hassan shameed ashraf abu samah nasir mohd redhuan ramlee research vot no: 74169 gas technology centre ...
AMBASSADOR OF MALAYSIA TO ARGENTINA (concurrently accredited to Paraguay and Uruguay) His Excellency D ato' Zulkifli Yaacob (2008 to present)
... can expect faster approval for their building plans and other infrastructures so work can start without delay, said Kuantan Municipal Council president Datuk Zulkifli Yaacob.
His Excellency Dato’ Zulkifli Yaacob, Ambassador of Malaysia to Argentina officially launched the MTCP Alumni Website...
Mr. Zulkifli Yaacob Associate Professor [email protected] Mrs. Norfitri Shamaruddin Senior Executive [email protected] Ms. Marini Zulkifli
Zulkifli Yaacob with his goat herd at his farm in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. This farm project began in May last year, where the initial goat and sheep population was ...
rahmat mohsin zulkifli abd majid prof. dr. zulkifli yaacob assoc. prof. zulkafli hassan shameed ashraf abu samah nasir mohd redhuan ramlee research vot no: 74169 gas technology ...